Working with horses can be a transformative experience for children, offering a wide range of benefits that extend far beyond the riding arena. From developing physical and emotional skills to building confidence and compassion, the advantages of children working with horses are numerous and profound.
Physical Benefits
Horseback riding and horse care activities can help children develop their gross and fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and balance. The physical demands of horse care, such as grooming and mucking stalls, can also help children build strength, endurance, and responsibility.
Emotional Benefits
The bond between a child and a horse can be incredibly therapeutic, providing a sense of calm, comfort, and trust. Children who struggle with anxiety, ADHD, or autism often find solace and focus when working with horses. Moreover, the experience of caring for a horse teaches children valuable lessons about commitment, hard work, and compassion.
Social Benefits
Working with horses can also help children develop essential social skills, such as communication, empathy, and teamwork. Children learn to navigate complex social dynamics, developing essential skills for building and maintaining healthy relationships with peers and adults alike.
Character-Building Benefits
Perhaps most importantly, working with horses can help children develop important character traits, such as responsibility, self-discipline, and self-confidence. As children learn to care for and communicate with horses, they develop a sense of pride and accomplishment that can translate to other areas of their lives.Getting Involved
If you're interested in introducing your child to the world of horses, consider the following options:
- Equine-Assisted Youth Riding and Leadership Programs (EAYLP) Summer Camp
Mustang Ambassador Program’s EAYRLP summer events employ equine-assisted learning (EAL) and partners students with our mustangs to teach regional youth how to care for and how to confidently ride well-trained horses. Beginner through advanced students are welcomed and encouraged and challenged to expand their skill level.
In addition to equitation, the program serves as a navigational tool (a map) for their lives and helps them learn valuable self-leadership skills and practical life-lessons that will serve them well as they grow as individuals. There are four programs each summer and run from 9-4 on Monday through Friday. Friday afternoons include student demonstrations where they all execute a riding pattern and educational segment for the audience. Family and friends are encouraged to attend!
MAP students learn foundational principles of leadership throughout the program; they learn responsibility and work ethic (self-management) through the care and feeding of the animals; they learn how relationships with the horses which includes respect and empathy is necessary to building healthy relationships outside the arena.
They learn about the importance of clear communication both with the horse and within human relationships.
They also gain an understanding of the importance of healthy problem solving and working through issues they may face in life and in doing so build resilience in their character.
The program teaches ground horsemanship skills as well as English and western riding disciplines, all with safety as a priority.
The programs offer a great opportunity for students to connect with horses and with one another and grow their equitation and personal leadership capabilities.
Registration and Release Form-Mustang Ambassador P
- Group Equitation Lessons
These weekend lessons are meant to provide added training for EAYLP students or anyone with a desire to increase their riding and groundwork skills. Beginners through advanced students are welcome.
- Natural Horsemanship Clinics
These weekend clinics employ natural horsemanship techniques to teach or expand students’ knowledge in gentling horses and groundwork training. Clinics of various levels are scheduled throughout the year and are conducted by experienced and accomplished trainers.
- Horses for Heroes
Mind-fullness and Healing Clinics - Specific to Active and Retired Military – These clinics are purposely tailored for military personnel. Participants engage in several forms of equine therapies, horsemanship activities and mindfulness practices. Each of the activities incorporate specific techniques aimed at enhancing communication skills, emotional regulation, and resilience. Through meaningful engagement and establishing a bond with the horses, participants can explore and process their experiences in a non-judgmental setting that facilitates healing and personal growth with these empowering animals. (We intend to begin these clinics in late spring/early summer)
- MAP Volunteering
MAP loves volunteers! Volunteers help MAP with a variety of chores and program activities based on interests. No experience necessary for chores. We will train volunteers, if needed, for horse specific activities. Please contact Terri at or 314-520-0343