
Resolutions for 2021

Here are some ideas for improving yourself and the world around you in the new year

By Shay Brase, Macaroni Kid Broomfield- Erie- Lafayette- Louisville CO December 30, 2020

New Year's Resolutions, or the thought behind them, can excite us or make us cringe. Yes... many of them don't last long. Yes... many of them seem so grand and exciting, then deflate our balloons when we realize that grandiose might not translate to reality. (Who has the time or energy to go on a run at 5 every morning*? NOT ME!)

So let's throw unrealistic expectations out the window. Right now. There are so many things we can do to improve our mindsets, bodies, and the communities we live in that are not only achievable, but very effective.

Back to Basics:

  • Floss daily (twice is recommended): this alone can prolong your life expectancy... check out this article from Very Well Health
  • Start taking a multivitamin
  • Move your body: what this looks like depends on you. If you used to work out and just haven't in awhile, look into a new gym membership or try to go for a walk/ run so many times per week. If you haven't been active in the past, maybe look into the Couch to 5k program or an online yoga class each week. Find what feels right to you and start there.
  • Limit/ give up a vice: yep, you probably already have an idea of what you "should" cut down on. Some common examples are soda, sweets, personal screen time, nicotine/alcohol, or even gossip... choose to lift others up!

Family Time:

  • Call a loved one every week. Grandma will be thrilled to hear from you!
  • Prioritize date nights: I've always been told that once per week is the best for a marriage. I also don't believe this is feasible in any typical family, but we could at least shoot for once or twice per month. Grab carryout, go on a hike, watch movies on the couch, paint the bathroom... just do it together, and without the kids! Dave Ramsey has some fun and frugal ideas here!
  • Dedicate a few minutes per day to each child. This can be as simple as a five minute snuggle during wake up or bedtime, or reading one of their favorite books together. Even just a few minutes of one-on-one can go so far to that child, especially when you have a large family.
  • Give yourself grace: there are days when we wear ourselves down with parent guilt. Remember, you ARE enough and if you love your children, you ARE a great parent!

Doing for Others:

  • Find a cause you believe in and do what you can to help. Time, talents and money... what do you have to give? Or is a little of each? Philanthropy is good for the recipient, for the mental health of the giver, and is a great piece of foundation to lay for young eyes and minds. I will do another post on giving at another time, but I also know of several causes and companies who could use help, especially during current times. If you'd like ideas, shoot me an email.

Personal Goals:

Do you have a hobby or skill you've been saying you'd like to try? Why not in 2021? 

  • Learn calligraphy
  • Take online guitar lessons
  • Go to an adult salsa class once a week
  • Read a classic novel/ watch a classic movie you've never seen
  • Learn to sew or knit
  • Bake something you haven't before: a pie crust, a fancy cake (it may look like something from "Nailed It", but how much fun would it be?) This is a great one to take on with your kids as well!

What goals are you setting for yourself this year? 

*Let me be clear, good for any of you who are out at 5am at the gym or on morning runs! Just don't text me about your productivity until I've had my coffee. :)