Bring the excitement of summer camp to your own home with our specially curated family-friendly itinerary of themed activities. We've created a sample schedule to help you brainstorm ideas that will work best for your family.
This week, find your family fun® with the JURASSIC ERA.

Fossil Cookies
Ingredients: no-spread cookie mix, cookie-cutter, toy dinosaurs
1. Make your favorite batch of no-spread cookie dough.
2. While the dough is raw, use toy dinosaurs to imprint various shapes. REMOVE the dinosaur before baking!
3. Bake cookies according to the recipe directions.

Don’t Forget Dexter! By Lindsay T. WardNo, No Dinos! Peek and Counting Book by Bendon
Noisy Dinosaurs by Jonathan Litton
Tiny T. Rex and the Impossible Hug by Jonathan Stutzman

Fizzy Eggs
Supplies needed: baking soda, water, gel food coloring, plastic dinosaurs
Get the step-by-step instructions here.

Paper Plate Dino
Supplies needed: paper plate, toilet paper tube, coloring supplies, googly eyes, glue
1. Color the front and back sides of a paper plate.
2. Cut the plate in half. Save one half for the body. Use the other half to cut out spikes, head, and tail.
3. Cut toilet paper tube in half. Cut slits wide enough to attach the dino's body.

Handprint Dinos
Supplies needed: paint, black permanent marker, paper, embellishments
1. Add paint to the palm of your child’s hand.
2. With fingers spread apart, gently press your child's hand onto a sheet of paper like a stamp.
3. Use extra paint and embellishments to add features like spikes or a tail.

Download your FREE printable postcards here.
Print the designs on cardstock paper. Color and cut out your artwork. Address and stamp your postcards, and then send them to family and friends.

Dinosaur Train
The Land Before Time (Rated G)
The Good Dinosaur (Rated G)
We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story (Rated G)
Dinosaur (Rated PG)
Dino Time (Rated PG)

Want to show us your celebration of the Jurassic era? We'd love to see your photos! Be sure to tag @macaronikid on social media so we can see how you've brought the joy of summer camp into your own home.