
Did you survive Daylight Savings?

By Jenn Leonard March 18, 2017

I don't know about you, but this daylight savings time has been a KILLER for my family. 

My kids can't seem to get up on time in the morning. I'm dragging myself out of bed, and I've missed the gym every single day. We just can't even with this.

Even the animals are all messed up. One night they were awake all night long, and then they slept all day the next day. #doglife

I'm sure it didn't help that I was at a birth all night on Saturday (I'm a doula) after working my second job all day. Made it home at about 4:30AM, but had to be back up at 8:30 AM because it was my yougest's 12th birthday.

Somehow we all made it to the party and we had a blast bowling and eating pizza and cake. The kids even got in one round of lazer tag before it was time to head home.

Everyone but me took a decent afternoon nap, but then no one was tired at bedtime. (except me)

I don't know about anyone else, but this Sunday is all about laying it bed and watching Netflix for me!

How did your family do with the time change this year?

For those days when you just need to get out of the house with the kids and run off some energy, we're also starting our Pikes Peak Regional Park Guide. Be sure to check it out and add your favorite parks in the comments!

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